About us

A Warm welcome to everyone visiting this website of the World Day of Prayer (Scottish Committee)

The World Day of Prayer is an international, ecumenical, prayer movement initiated and carried forward by Christian women in more than 180 countries and over 1000 languages. Every year Christians of many traditions and all ages, celebrate a common day of prayer on the first Friday in March. Services are held all around the world, beginning in Tonga and New Zealand in the east and continuing throughout the day to Samoa and Alaska in the west. We bring the needs of the world, and of the writing country in particular, before Almighty God knowing that He will hear and answer us, as we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. God invites us to have a prayer relationship with Himself, but He also expects us to have concerned relationships with our neighbours, throughout the world. Prayer must be accompanied by action, as God moves our hearts and directs our thoughts. Many thanks to all the organisers who organised, participated or attended services written by the Christian Women of the writing country. We really appreciate your contribution.

Planned Services for 2024

A Message from the International Sub-group

The past year has been challenging, faced with the uncertainty of how long we would be in lockdown due to the pandemic. During the year the sub-group met by Zoom to continue planning for the International Meeting in 2022. We also met with Laurence Gangloff, Rosangela Oliveira and Susan Jackson-Dowd, members of the International Executive Committee, as there were concerns over whether we could host the International Meeting in Pollok Halls as originally planned. We did hope that by 2022 the current pandemic would have improved and the meeting would go ahead in Edinburgh. However, with the worldwide rise in various strains of the virus and delegates being reluctant to travel, the International Executive reached the decision that on this occasion, in the interests of safety, it would be wise to hold a Virtual meeting by Zoom. Although disappointed that we can no longer welcome our Sisters in Christ from around the world to Scotland, the WDP Scottish Committee unanimously agreed that we were willing to continue with our commitment as hosts, albeit in a virtual setting. Many gifts have been purchased and donated. These will be sent to delegates. 

Please continue to pray for the International Executive and Scottish Committee as we look forward in faith, remembering the verse in Jeremiah, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Ann Bowie, Convener International Group

Statistics – monthly visitors: 4470

Thank you for your visit.

Our Motif

The symbol of the World Day of Prayer was designed by a young Irish artist in 1982, the year when the service was prepared by the women of Ireland, and adopted as the International logo.
The design comprises arrows converging from the four points of the compass, four figures kneeling in prayer, the Celtic Cross and a circle representing the world and our unity through all our diversity.

International Structure

The International Committee, which is composed of delegates from the National committees, meets every four years to:

  • select themes and writers for the services
  • elect an executive committee (from 7 geographical regions)
  • prepare a budget from funds provided by National Committees
  • consider ways to extend the Movement
  • share experiences of the World Day of Prayer

The International Executive is composed of two representatives from each of seven regions:Latin America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Caribbean/North America and Pacific, led by the Chairperson and Executive Director.

The Regional Committees are composed of delegates from the National committees in that region, led by two executive representatives. The European committee meets every four years.

European Regional Committee

The WDP Scottish Committee forms part of the European Regional Committee and provides a delegate to that committee. The purpose of this committee is to provide facilities for the executive members of the committee to support and encourage existing national committees to grow and flourish as well as to promote new countries to establish commitees for the furtherance of the principles of the World Day of Prayer and to represent the European Region on the International Committee.

National Structure

The Scottish Committee is composed of representatives of all major denominations in Scotland:

Scottish Episcopal ChurchCongregational FederationBaptist Church
Roman Catholic ChurchReligious Society of FriendsMethodist Church
United Reformed ChurchUnited Free Church of ScotlandSalvation Army
Church of the NazareneGreek OrthodoxChurch of Scotland

The Scottish Committee meets several times and works throughout the year to:

  • prepare and distribute material for the World Day of Prayer service.
  • decide on the distribution of funds.
  • promote the World Day of Prayer movement.

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