In collaboration with the WDP Scottish Committee, WDPIC held a Global Conversation on WDP acting for Climate Justice. Over 60 women from all over the world attended the conversation to learn about climate change, and how we can make a difference as the 26th United Nations (UN) Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) is happening in Glasglow (Oct 31- Nov 12). See http://www.wdpscotland.org.uk/prayers/video/
World Day of Prayer over the years has listened to the stories of climate change in several countries. We have prayed and supported those affected by natural disasters, forced migration and hunger. During the Global Conversation on WDP acting for Climate Justice, WDP leaders lift up their commitments. For Cornelia Trommer-Klimpke (Germany), we simply need to take the first step, while for Laurence Gangloff (France), we will do it with prayers of hope, and for Bianka Paz (Guatemala) it means to continue the struggle for justice. From changes in lifestyle to advocacy, the participants presented a list of concrete actions for climate justice. Here is a summary of the breakout group conversation registered in the chat.
- I aim to use much less water. Clean water for everyone is vital (Mary Welsh, Scotland).
- Unirnos a la lucha y denuncia por los derechos de agua sin contaminación, acceso a agua potable. Reflexionar sobre el consumo y no dejarnos llevar por la presión social (Rebeca Cascante, Costa Rica).
- Usar menos productos de limpieza que contaminan el medio ambiente (Ingrid Mai, Argentina).
- Try to install solar panels if you can in your homes to reduce using fossil energy (Kyoungeun Kim, Korea).
- Use more natural light and less air-conditioning (Janice Delaney, Jamaica).
- We should stop flying (Jarmila Cihova, Czech).
- Consider purchasing in terms of need not greed (Mary Nordick, Canada).
- We can take personal choices like buying less clothes; iron when only necessary (Nina Cryne, UK).
- Recycle, reuse, repair. Be satisfied with what we have and buy less. Plant. Use solar energy. It is always good to encourage one another to keep on taking care of our beautiful planet (Maral Haidostian, Lebanon)
- I do not accept anything wrapped in plastic. I take my own cloth bag to the supermarket, and at home I reduce the use of plastic as much as possible (Vino Schubert, Sri Lanka).
- Take the basket to the market, buy only what is needed (Supapan, Thailand).
- Buy fewer clothes and recycle more effectively (Carole Bourne, UK).
- As women we can be an example for others, mostly the youth. Learn not to use plastic bag, but to use reusable bag (Marthe Sybille Martial, Mauritius).
- Recycle everything we can. We should go back to no plastic, as years ago (Sue, Scotland).
- Encourage people to use less plastic (Virginia Longo, Italy).
- We can plant vegetables and herbal plant in our backyard (Orpha Ramos, Philippines).
- Our group aim to plant more trees (Sylvia Marowa, Zimbabwe and Marjorie Paton, Scotland).
- Reflorestamento na beira de rios (Leda Witter, Brasil).
- Avoid deforestation especially at the farming season (Queen Chilobwa, Zambia).
- We all need to share what we need and not frivolous wants. Justice is not sending leftovers to hurting people but offer our best. Every one of us who can take less do so, so everyone can have some (Stephanie McClellan, Canada).
- We can give our contribution to people in need, especially in the flooding area. We are knitting with group of WDP women for the children on flooded areas (Floresha Cenolli, Albania).
- Seguir compartiendo que es justicia climática, como nos está afectando a todas las personas en el mundo. Papel importante como mujeres para que tomen conciencia del uso mesurado. Ser parte de la Auditoria Social con acciones concretas en nuestros países (Elizabeth, Guatemala).
- In some countries, churches start to feel responsible for climate-protection (Vroni Peterhans)
We join Manon Naidoo, South Africa words of appreciation for the conversation: “Thank you for sharing about global climate justice, a joy to know that women are proactive. We can make a change.”