Fellowship of the Least Coin

It starts with prayer…
The Fellowship of the Least Coin (FLC) is a global ecumenical prayer movement for justice, peace, and reconciliation led by Christian women for women and girls all over the world.
Women of all ethnicities, nationalities, ages, educational backgrounds, and socioeconomic statuses are invited to participate in this global movement by praying for justice, peace, and reconciliation in their own lives whenever they experience personal conflicts and challenges. As well, they are invited to pray for justice, peace, and reconciliation for women and girls all over the world who face injustice, violence, and poverty every day.
It includes “least” coins…
As tokens of these prayers, women are encouraged to set aside the least coin in their country’s currency (ex. penny, sentimo, paisa, etc.). Only the least coin is offered so that women of all backgrounds and means can be equal partners in justice- and peace-making.
These least coins are then collected by Christian women’s groups and ecumenical women’s organizations in countries and regions all over the world. They are then forwarded to the Fellowship of the Least Coin (FLC) Fund, which is faithfully stewarded by the International Committee for the Fellowship of the Least Coin (ICFLC).
It leads to real justice, peace, and reconciliation…
Every year, the FLC Fund is disbursed as grants for post-secondary education and training for women; grassroots projects that empower women and girls, advocates for their rights, and work to end gender-based violence and poverty; and provide relief in times of natural and human-made disasters. In this way, all of our least coins can contribute to real justice, peace, and reconciliation in the lives of women and girls all over the world!
Check out all the projects, scholarships, and relief efforts that have been supported by our prayers and least coins!
newsletter-2024-2International Fellowship Website : www.fellowshipoftheleastcoin.org
Scotland Fellowship Website : www.flcscotland.com
- Secretary: Rev. Ann Wren: email: annwren.wdp@gmail.com
FLC and the WDP
The WDP recognises the similarity of objectives between the two organisations and is privileged to support the work of the FLC. The WDP encourages the FLC to utilise the WDP Service arrangements to bring their message to a wider public and to organise an offering of the “least coin”.