
Additional Resources

Paddling your own Canoe

Thanks to Mrs Angela Morfett-Jones of the WDP England Wales and Northern Ireland for providing an excellent manual for the construction of a canoe to place on the WDP display table. Instructions can be found here

Constructing a tissue Flower

A video can be found here

Newsletter January 2025

Feed the Minds


Scottish Bible Society

Update from the Bible Society

WDP – Palestine

Preparations are well underway for the service on March 1st created by the Christian Women of Palestine, here we are given a little insight from our sister group in Romania as they create the joy of being together in their prayerful action.

Update from the International Committee

WDP Service from the Christian Women of Palestine

Many of us have been following the situation regarding the sentiments expressed over the liturgy for the upcoming WDP Service in March. The World Day of Prayer International Committee together with the WDP Palestine Committee issued, in November, a joint statement about such sentiments and these can be read a wee bit below. To keep everyone appraised, the WDPIC, have issued the following updated statement:

World Day of Prayer, International Committee

January 31, 2024

The World Day of Prayer (WDP) believes that “Prayer is rooted in listening to God and to each other” (Guiding Principle #2). The listening that we seek is an active and demanding listening. It requires a stillness that can allow another to speak, as we hear and feel with another’s pains and joys.  Our listening is both personal and in community.  Our conviction is that WDP opens a window to the voices of women in a different part of the world each year—sometimes near, sometimes far away.  Always, we join our prayer with theirs.    We are committed to honoring the prayers offered by women who develop our liturgy each year for a common day of prayer on the first Friday of March. The women who write are selected at an International Meeting held every 5 years, which includes voting delegates from every country in our movement.  At the 2017 International Meeting in Brazil, WDP Palestine was selected to write the 2024 program, followed by WDP Cook Islands in 2025 and WDP Nigeria in 2026. The liturgy is developed through a rigorous writing process that starts 4 years before the day when the world will gather to pray that liturgy. This liturgy is developed with our Executive Committee, a group of women elected to represent each region of our movement.   On March 1, 2024, our global ecumenical movement will pray a liturgy developed by our sisters from WDP Palestine. World Day of Prayer has a strong and vibrant history in the Middle East, especially in Palestine. Women from various denominations in Palestine have faithfully prayed together every year for decades. Several women from WDP Palestine have been elected by the Middle East region to serve as Regional Representatives for our WDPIC Executive Committee. We are grateful for the dedication of our Palestinian sisters over the years to strengthen connections between Christians around the world.  Our WDPIC office has been approached in the past year, particularly since the Israel Gaza war has brought devastation to the region following the violent attack on October 7, 2023. We have been asked if there will be any changes made to the liturgy in light of the current situation. Our response has been consistent with our practices as a movement for many years. We believe that the liturgy offered each year is a profound gift, and one that we receive in its fullness. We stand with the liturgy offered by our sisters from WDP Palestine, and we encourage all local celebrations around the world to honor those voices as they are offered.   Our sisters from WDP Palestine are currently working on an additional prayer that can be added to the original liturgy, in light of the recent violence they are experiencing. We hope to have that available by February 15, 2024.

– the Executive Committee of the

World Day of Prayer International Committee

Global conversation organised by WDPIC.

Cook Islands

We welcome the 2025 materials from the Cook Islands and we pray that our committee in their work preparing these materials ready for distribution throughout Scotland are blessed with Our Lord’s inspiration, endeavour and insights.

Tarani Napa and Tevairangi Napa are a Mother-Daughter artist team from the Cook Islands. They feel honored to have been able to share this piece of artwork in recognition of their love for their home, their faith and, and their heritage. Tarani Napa is a mother of six children and three grandchildren. She is a certified primary school teacher, entrepreneur and creative artist. Tevairangi Napa is the eldest daughter of Tarani, and she is a proud mum of two children. She  follows in her mother’s footsteps as a creative artist.

WDP Palestine

Statement concerning the Situation in the Holy Land

On behalf of thre World Day of Prayer Palestine, we extend our heartfelt concern and solidarity to all those affected by the ongoing situation in Israel and Palestine, particularly the distressing events in Gaza. We firmly believe that in times of conflict, there should be no sides, only the human side.

The suffering and loss of innocent lives in this region are a cause for deep sorrow and a call to action for peace and compassion. We appeal to all parties involved to prioritise dialogue, understanding, and reconcilliation as a path towards lasting peace and justice.

In these trying times, let us remember that the human experience transcends borders and political differences. We must stand together as one global community, advocating for the welfare and dignity of every individual, irrespective of their nationality, religion or origin. Together, we can work towards a brighter and more harmonious future for all in this troubled region.

We earnestly hope that the current events will not discourage people from prayng for and standing with Palestine during these challenging times. Now, more than ever, is when such support is most needed. It is crucial to emphasise that standing with Palestine in its quest for justice and peace does not equate to being anti-semitic or against any group. Our call for humanity and compassion trancends religious or political affiliations, striving for a world where the rights and dignity of all people are respected and upheld. Let us unite in the spirit of empathy, understanding and solidarity, working together for a brighter and more peaceful future for all.

As we observe the World Day of Prayer Palestine, our thoughts and Prayers go out to those suffering in Israel and Palestine, and we hold steadfast to the hope that one day, the peopkle of this land will enjoy the peace and prosperity they so rightly deserve.

Yours Sincerely
World Day of Prayer Committee in Palestine

WDP International Committee

World Day of Prayer International Committee (WDPIC) urgently calls for an
immediate ceasefire in Israel and Palestine, protection of civilians, and release of hostages.
We are deeply shaken by the violence and bloodshed of the past week, whose victims are mainly civilians. Attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure violate international law, and are an affront to human decency.
We mourn with all who have lost loved ones, and our hearts are with all who continue to be threatened by continued violence and hatred. We condemn the vicious attacks on civilians in Israel. We cry out against the taking of civilian hostages. We condemn the relentless and indiscriminate bombing of Gaza, and the blocking of food, water and humanitarian aid. We raise our voice against the use of collective punishment against a civilian population.
The current escalation of violence is also horrifying. We hear statements filled with the language of hatred and vengeance. We also hear voices calling for peace and justice. We amplify the calls for an immediate cessation of violence, and despite the devastating realities, we still believe that another way is possible.
As a women’s prayer movement, we join with our siblings of all faiths, especially Jews and Muslims. We speak against the use of gender-based violence, all too common in times of war. We call for the protection of all children, noting that half of the 2.2 million inhabitants of Gaza are under the age of 15.
We long for the dawn of a new day for the peoples of Israel and Palestine. We believe that God is always at work, and always moving us towards love, justice and peace. We pray with all of our siblings in Israel and Palestine for a just and lasting peace. We hope that our worldwide community, divided as it is, will recognize that we are all connected, and that we must all take responsibility for the
circumstances in the Holy Land. We must never give up on a commitment to peace, justice, and dignity for all the people living in the land.

On March 1, 2024 the worldwide ecumenical community of women who celebrate the annual World Day of Prayer will engage a worship service written by our sisters from WDP Palestine, under the theme “I Beg You… Bear With One Another in Love.” As often happens in World Day of Prayer, a theme and writer committee that is chosen years ahead of time becomes timely and profoundly challenging in the year that it is celebrated.
The World Day of Prayer is not just one day, and especially in this time of extreme
violence, we call for prayer now, and in the days to come.

God of Peace and Justice,
We cry out to you with broken hearts and deep anguish for what is unfolding in Israel and Palestine. It is difficult to find the words to express the weight of this moment. We rest on your Spirit, who intercedes with sighs too deep for words. We ask that you heal every wound, and you give us wisdom for how to stop this cycle of violence. We pray especially for women who are particularly vulnerable in times of war. Move our world quickly towards peace and justice.

Welcome to the World Day of Prayer 2023

On December 12, 2022, the World Day of Prayer International Committee hosted a Global Conversation with the women of WDP Taiwan who wrote the World Day of Prayer worship service program for 2023.

Welcome to Joyce Larko Steiner, WDPIC Chairperson

I will extol the Lord at all times; 
    His praise will always be on my lips. 
I will glory in the Lord; 
    let the afflicted hear and rejoice. 
Glorify the Lord with me; 
    let us exalt His Name together. (Psalm 34:1-3)

Ukraine Crisis

The WDP Scottish Committee have sent £1,000 in support of the Ukraine World Day of Pray committee as they struggle with the ongoing crisis in their country, additionally a donation of £500 has been made to the Scottish Bible Society in response to a plea for bibles for the people of Ukraine.

Churches in Prestwick had a wonderful and uplifting experience in their World Day of Prayer Service after which they decided to have a retiring offering in aid of Ukraine and through which £400 was raised.

Our Prayers are with them and the people of Ukraine in their torment and disruption. God give them strength.

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