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  • Thumbnail for the post titled: April Prayers from Scottish Committee

    April Prayers from Scottish Committee

    Bible Verse: Jesus said ‘I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. I know my own, and my own know Me. John 10: […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: St John’s, Moffat

    St John’s, Moffat

    Thank you, WDP Scotland. I will announce that at St. John’s on Sunday, and inform the other congregations who participated with us. May I add that one of the most beautiful, […]

  • International Women’s Day

    Break the Bias this beautiful prayer written by Deborah Hirt, Intern at Franciscans International. Lord, make me an instrument of peace: Bless all women who daily strive to bring peace to […]

  • 10 Days of Prayer

    World Day of Prayer Elizabeth Burroughs – EWNI President Gracious and Loving God, the focus of all our hopes, we thank You for the World Day of Prayer, for the […]

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